Grandma Coolie

Grandma Coolie, a remarkable woman known for her immense kindness and generosity, deeply influenced her granddaughter, Raquel Miller. Inspired by her grandmother’s spirit of giving and strong belief in the power of community, Raquel founded Bunchful Enterprise. This initiative serves as a platform to honor her grandmother’s legacy of benevolence, encouraging and facilitating philanthropy to make a meaningful difference in the world.

Continuing a Legacy of Generosity: Nominate for the Bunchful Awards

Moved by her grandmother’s boundless generosity, Raquel Miller founded Bunchful. In tribute, she established the Bunchful Awards, complete with a statue honoring her grandmother’s legacy. Nominate a changemaker or apply today to continue this legacy of giving.
Bunchful Awards Application
Applications will open 12PM Eastern Standard Time on May 30th, 2024. Join the mailing list for important notifications.
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